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        Isaac - Jacob




        Samuel - Exile



        Christ's Ministry

        Christ's Resurrection

        Time of the End



        First Resurrection

        New Testament

        Yahweh and the Creation

        Yahweh and the Creation

        Judging the Earth With the Flood

        The Division of Nations

        Jacob's Rock & Shepherd

        From the Burning Bush

        The Captain of Israel & the Angel of Yahweh

        Ezekiel & The Glory of Yahweh

        Judge of All the Earth
        Judge of All the Earth
        Judge of All the Earth


        Angel of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Judge of All the Earth
        Angel of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Presence of Yahweh
        Name of Yahweh
        God of Israel
        Angel of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Presence of Yahweh
        Arm of Yahweh
        Name of Yahweh
        God of Israel
        Angel of Yahweh
        Captain of the Hosts
        Judge of All the Earth
        Name of Yahweh

        Before Kings

        Angel of Yahweh
        Captain of the Hosts
        Name of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Name of Yahweh
        God of Israel


        Angel of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh

        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Presence of Yahweh
        Arm of Yahweh
        Name of Yahweh

        1. The Creator of the world is God--Yahweh is not mentioned at first
        2. God has a council ruling with him
        3. The Principle of Images of God

        1. Yahweh is the God who made the earth and man
        2. Yahweh has authority over all the earth to judge it

        1. Yahweh has authority over all the earth to judge it
        2. Yahweh is superior to the sons of God

        1. Yahweh is judge of all the earth
        2.Men are no longer under directly under Yahweh but under the sons of God

        1. Yahweh choses one nation out of all nations to be his people
        2. The Angel of Yahweh is introduced to us--he is Yahweh and God
        3. Yahweh is still judge of the earth since he judged Sodom and Gomorrah
        4. Yahweh is served by angels

        1. The Angel of Yahweh is revealed to be El-Shaddai, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
        2. Blessing are pronounce in the name of the Angel of Yahweh--(Jacob himself sought the blessing of the Angel of Yahweh [Gen 32:26])

        1. The AoY is unlike any other angel
        2. The AoY delivered Israel from Egypt
        3. The AoY led Israel in the wilderness
        4. Through the AoY, they will take possession of the Promised Land

        1. The AoY appears to Joshua under the title "The Captain of the Hosts of Yahweh" [Jos 5:13,14,15]

        1. Confirmation that Israel was to take possession of the Land through the AoY [Jdg 2:1-3,4-5]

        1. Confirmation that the "Glory of Yahweh" is a person and not just a reference to an attribute of Yahweh.

        1. The Name of the Captain of Israel is Michael [Dan 12:1 cf., Jos 5:13,14-15]
        2. He is the Greatest of Angels [Dan 8:11,25; 10:13; 12:1]

        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Angel of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Glory of Yahweh
        Presence of Yahweh
        Presence of Yahweh
        Presence of Yahweh
        Presence of Yahweh
        Arm of Yahweh
        Arm of Yahweh
        Arm of Yahweh
        Name of Yahweh
        Name of Yahweh
        Name of Yahweh
        God of Israel
        God of Israel
        God of Israel
        God of Israel
        God of Israel
        God of Israel
        Lord of All the Earth
        Judge of All the Earth
        Lord of All the Earth
        Lord of All the Earth


        Jesus As Yahweh in Creation

        The New Testament plainly tells us that Jesus was present at the creation of the world and was in fact the One through whom God created the world.

        1. The Apostle John, referring to Jesus as "the Word", stated that God created all things (πᾶς pas) through Jesus Christ [Joh 1:1-3,17]
        2. The Apostle Paul also teaches the same thing that God created all things (πᾶς pas) through Jesus [Col 1:16-17]
          1. Things in heaven and on earth,
          2. Visible and invisible,
          3. Thrones (θρόνος, thronos), dominions (κυριότης, kuriotēs), principalities (ἀρχή, archē) and powers (ἐξουσία, exousia)
        3. Hebrews testifies likewise that it was through Jesus, the Son of God that God created the World (i.e., the aeons, αἰών) [Heb 1:2]

        How They Came About This Doctrine

        The apostles do not really explain how it is that they deduced that Jesus was there at the beginning and that it was through him that God created the world. However, knowing that their doctrines were derived strictly from scriptures [Luk 24:25-26,27; Rom 16:25; 1Co 4:6; 1Pe 1:18-21], a correct understanding of the Scriptures, i.e., the Old Testament, will lead to the very same conclusion.

        • Heb 1:10-12 cf., Psa 102:25-27

        Yahweh Created The Heavens and Earth and All in Them

        The One who created Heaven and Earth is plainly stated, over and over again, to be Yahweh. This fact that Yahweh created the Heavens and Earth is a fact almost taken for granted in Scriptures. It is the foundation of our religion.


        The first chapter of Scriptures, the opening account of creation refers to the Creator of the World as "Elohim", i.e., God [Gen 1:1]. Now, while this account does not refer to God as Yahweh the next chapter does.

        In the chapter that follows after it, the Creator, who in this account is called by the Name "Yahweh Elohim" [Gen 2:4,5,7]. In this account, which focuses on the Adam and Garden of Eden, Yahweh Elohim, (or the LORD God), created,

        1. Heaven and earth [Gen 2:4],
        2. Plants [Gen 2:9]
        3. Man (i.e., Adam--the father of all men) [Gen 2:7]
        4. The animals [Gen 2:19; 3:1]
        5. The Woman (i.e., Eve, the mother of all living) [Gen 2:22]

        So, according to the Creation Account of Genesis, Yahweh is the God who created all things.

        Genesis' Subtle Declaration of Yahweh as Creator

        That Yahweh is the Elohim of the first opening account of Creation is certain. Genesis progresses

        1. From Elohim (or God without Yahweh) in the opening account, [Gen 1:1 -- Gen 2:3]
        2. To Yahweh Elohim (or the LORD God) in the account that focuses on man and the Garden of Eden [Gen 2:4--Gen 3:20-24],
        3. To Yahweh (without Elohim added to it) after Adam and Eve are driven out of the Garden of Eden [Gen 4:1-26]

        Testimonial From Other Scriptures

        The following lists are not exhaustive but are sufficient to demonstrate that the Creation of the World, i.e., heaven and earth and all in them, is Yahweh.
        1. Yahweh's Personal Testimony
          1. No other god except for Yahweh made the heavens and earth [Jer 10:11]
          2. Yahweh testifies that it was He who created the world [Exo 20:11,1-2; 31:17-18; Job 38:1,4-12; Isa 42:5; 45:12,18; Jer 10:12; 27:5]
        2. Testimony of other people,
          1. King David to Asaph and his associates [1Chr 16:7,26]
          2. King Hiram of Tyre (to King Solomon) [2Chr 2:11-12]
          3. King Hezekiah [2Kin 19:15; Isa 37:16]
          4. Prophet Jeremiah [Jer 32:17; 33:2; 51:15]
          5. Levite leaders under Nehemiah [Neh 9:6]
          6. Psalms [Psa 96:5; 136:3-7]

        The God of Glory Appeared to Abraham

        Yahweh who appeared to Abraham and called him to go to Canaan is called by Stephen "the God of Glory".

        “The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran.” [Act 7:2 cf., Psa 29:3] 

        Understanding the meaning of the Name "Yahweh" and considering the mighty power demonstrated by the bearer of the Name, the Angel of Yahweh appearing to Moses and speaking to him on Mount Sinai basically stated that he was the One (through whom God) created the world.

        Yahweh is the Creator

        The Name "Yahweh", as revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai by the Angel of Yahweh means that “The Being who brings things into being” [Exo 3:14]. This is quite popularly translated as “I AM THAT I AM” or its variants and so conceals the true meaning of the words and of the Name "Yahweh".

        1. Moses asks the Angel of Yahweh, who are you,
          • “What is your Name?” [Exo 3:13]
        2. And Yahweh answers,
          • ehyeh asher ehyeh” [Exo 3:14]
        3. And Yahweh continues,
          • “Say to the Israelites, ‘Yahweh... This is my name forever...”

        Apparently, Yahweh means “the Being that Brings Into Being”.

        Yahweh's Display of Absolute and Highest Power

        True to the meaning of the Name Yahweh, Yahweh (in the person of the Angel of Yahweh) beginning from Mount Sinai, in the land of Egypt and in the Wilderness demonstrated creation power, power over all things.

        Scripturally/Spiritually, one of the defining characteristics or attributes of gods is power, and power, for them is not power to wrestle but power over nature.

        What Yahweh demonstrated through Moses to the Worlds is that His power as God is unlimited, that He has power over all nature. Others gods have power but their power is not as great or far-reaching as Yahweh's power.

        Like Yahweh, the gods that Egypt served could change rods into live snakes. However, unlike Yahweh, their rods/snakes were no match for Yawheh's.

        Like Yahweh, the gods of Egypt could turn water into blood and cause frogs to come up on the land of Egypt. Nevertheless, when Yahweh did these things, they could not reverse them showing that Yahweh's power over nature is greater than theirs.

        Apart from the first three miraculous signs that Yahweh performed in the land of Egypt, the goods of Egypt could not reproduce any of the miracles that Yahweh performed. Yahweh demonstrated absolute power over all nature--over water, the animals, creation of living things, over the dust of the ground, changing even the dust into insects, controlling the heavens and bringing darkness upon the land and so on.

        The Point of the Demonstrations of Power

        Really, Yahweh's point in the power He demonstrated in bringing Israel out of Egypt and into the promised land is that He, Yahweh, the God of Israel, is the true God, the Creator of the World.

        No Other Yahweh

        Yahweh's point is confirmed over and over again in Scriptures to be that He is the True God, the God who has all power, the Creator of the World. We often encounter this testimony in words stating that the God of Israel is Yahweh, or that there is no other Yahweh apart from Yahweh the God of Israel or that no other god is Yahweh or when Yahweh boasts, "I am Yahweh" [Isa 43:10-14ff; Gen 15:7; Exo 6:7; 7:5,17; 10:2; 14:4; 16:12; Neh 9:7; Isa 2:11-13].

        If Yahweh Means Creator, then the Angel of Yahweh Created the World

        Keeping in mind that it is the Angel of Yahweh speaking to Moses, and whose name, as stated over and over, is Yahweh, the point is that the Angel of Yahweh has Creation Power.

        And if the point of the demonstration of Yahweh's power is that the One exercising the power is the Creator of the World, then it means that Exodus is teaching that the Angel of Yahweh who in the Burning Bush appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai created the World.

        Creation, the Sons of God and the Angel of Yahweh

        By Yahweh's own testimony, the sons of God (or angels) were present at the creation of the world [Job 38:4-7]. If the sons of God were present, then the Angel of Yahweh was certainly present.

        Now, the unrivaled power possessed by the Angel of Yahweh, as demonstrated in the account of Exodus and beyond, indicates that he is superior in power to the other sons of God. But more than simply being superior in power to the others, the testimony of Exodus is that it was through him that God created the world.

        In His words to Job, speaking of the creation of the World, Yahweh asks Job,

        “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?” [Job 38:4-5]

        These words reveal that someone served Yahweh in the Creation of the World. This person "marked off its dimensions" and "stretched a measuring line across it".

        Jesus Called Abraham

        Jesus is called "Lord of Glory" [1Co 2:8]


        1. Jesus is the Lord of Glory [1Co 2:8], and since
        2. The One who appeared to Abraham is called the "God of Glory" [Act 7:2], and since
        3. No one has ever seen God [Joh 1:18],
        4. Then the God of Glory who appeared to Abraham was in fact Jesus Christ.

        The Angel of Yahweh--the Rock of Jacob and El-Shaddai

          Jacob's words reveal Yahwehthe Angel of Yahweh, whom he calls the Rock of Israel to be "El-Shaddai", the same one who had appeared to Abraham and had covenanted with him [Gen 17:1-2].
          With bitterness archers attacked him [Joseph]; they shot at him with hostility. 24But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherdthe Rock of Israel, 25because of your father’s God, who helps you, because of Shaddai, who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings of the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb. [Gen 49:23-25]

          The Angel of Yahweh is El-Shaddai

            Since our main interest is to see how this connects to the Angel of Yahweh, let us consider the following words of Jacob,
            Then he blessed Joseph and said, “May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walkedthe God who has been my Shepherd all my life to this day, 16the Angel who has delivered me from all harm—may he bless these boys. May they be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, and may they increase greatly upon the earth.” [Gen 48:15-16]

            In these words, Jacob declares the Angel of Yahweh to be his God and the God of Abraham and Isaac. He declares the Angel of Yahweh to be his Shepherd.

            The Presence of Yahweh and Jacob

              1. Hosea calls the man Jacob had wrestled with "Yahweh" and "God"
                1. He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there--5Yahweh Elohim of HostsYahweh is his name of renown! [Hos 12:4-5]
              2. Jacob called the same man had wrestled with Peniel which means "the Face/Presence of God"
                1. "So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”" [Gen 32:30]

              I think there are, at least, two important points to be made from the account of the wrestling of Jacob and the Angel

              1. There was a belief that there was one whose presence was equal to God's presence. That Jacob quite easily and readily believed the man demonstrates this,
                1. The man referred to himself as God when he blessed Jacob,
                  • “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with Elohim and with men and have overcome” [Gen 32:28]
              2. There was an expectation that seeing God face to face meant death(Even Abraham shows the belief that he was not worthy to stand before Yahweh.)
                1. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw Elohim face to face, and yet my life was spared.” [Gen 32:30]
              3. Jacob apparently believes that, apart from God Most High, this Angel is the ONLY Elohim. We conclude this from the fact that Jacob believed that seeing this angel was seeing God [Gen 32:30]

              Jacob's Identification of the Angel of Yahweh

                From the words of Jacob above, we can see that the following are all One and the same person,

                1. The Angel of Yahweh [Gen 48:16]
                2. El-Shaddai (often translated "Almighty") [Gen 49:25 cf., Gen 17:1]
                3. The Rock of Israel [Gen 49:24]
                4. The Shepherd of Israel [Gen 49:24]
                5. The Mighty One of Jacob [Gen 49:24]
                6. The Presence (or Face) of Yahweh 
                7. Israel's Savior/Deliverer/Redeemer [Gen 48:16]

                Similarities and Dissimilarities Between The Captain of Hosts (i.e, Israel) and the Angel of Yahweh

                  (Quite plainly, Daniel reveals the name of the Captain of Hosts who Appeared to Joshua to be Michael--the One who appeared to Joshua is the Archangel Michael.)

                  There are significant similarities between the Angel of Yahweh and the Archangel Michael (i.e., the Captain of Israel who appeared to Joshua)


                    1. They are both Angels of Yahweh
                      1. Michael [Dan 10:2,]
                    2. They are both bore the Name Yahweh
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh [Exo 3:2,4,13-15]--Does/Can any other angel bear the Name Yahweh?
                      2. Michael [Jos 5:13-15; 6:2]
                    3. They both spoke as though they were God Himself
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh to Moses--he did not call himself an angel throughout their conversation [Exo 3; 4] and the prophet Balaam [Num 22:32]
                    4. They were both worshipped
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh was worshiped by Israel [Exo 33:9 (The Angel of Yahweh was the One in the Pillar of Cloud and Fire [Exo 14:19])], Balaam [Num 22:31]
                      2. Michael was worshiped by Joshua [Jos 5:15]
                    5. They are both Lord over Israel
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh led Israel as a Shepherd leads his flock going ahead of them.
                      2. Michael is the Captain of Yahweh's Hosts, i.e., the people of Israel [Jos 5:15; Dan 10:21; 12:1]
                    6. They are both responsible for the rest and conquest of the land of Canaan
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh was responsible for the conquest of Canaan, he was to give Israel rest [Exo 23:23,20-22; 33:14; Judges 5:23--he was involved in the battle against Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army]
                      2. Michael gave Joshua commands on how to conquer Jericho [Jos 6:2-6]. Michael appeared to Joshua at the beginning of the conquest of Canaan as Commander/Captain. Evidently, the conquest was under his command.
                    7. They are both unequalled among angels
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh--is shown from Moses' intercession to be greater than all other angels. Moses did not want any other angel apart from the Angel of Yahweh, the Angel of His Presence, going with them [Exo 33:12-15 cf., Exo 23:20-23; 32:2-3].
                      2. Michael is the "Great Prince" [Dan 12:1], the FIRST among chief princes [Dan 10:13]. In other words, the Archangel Michael is greater than all Archangels (i.e., Principalities and Powers)--He is their head.
                        Please note that although a King is head, the head is not necessarily 'King' [Col 2:10].
                    8. They both by their presence made the ground on which they stood holy; they commanded men to remove their sandals in their presence, standing where they stood
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh commanded Moses to remove his sandals at the Burning Bush [Exo 3:4,5] and the Angel of Yahweh was present in the Burning Bush [Exo 3:2]
                      2. Michael commanded Joshua to take off his sandals for the same reason--that the ground was holy [Jos 5:15]--Jericho was certainly not holy before Michael stood on that ground. Therefore, it was his presence on that ground that made it holy.
                    9. They both appeared as men
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh appeared to Jacob as a man and wrestled with him [Gen 32:24-30; Hos 12:4-5; Jdg 13:6]
                      2. Michael to Joshua [Jos 5:13-15]
                    10. Both were seen with drawn swords
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh to Balaam [Num 22:23]
                      2. Michael to Joshua [Jos 5:13]
                    11. Both are Saviors/Redeemers to Israel
                      1. The Angel of Yahweh (a.k.a. the Angel of Yahweh's Presence) is Israel's redeemer [Isa 63:9 cf., Exo 23:20-23; Exo 33:12,14]--He delivers all the people of God [Psa 34:7]
                      2. Michael is Israel's deliverer [Dan 12:1]--His standing up for Israel in the last days will result in salvation from the dead, i.e., resurrection of the dead [Dan 12:1]


                      1. None

                      Deduction--the Archangel Michael is the Angel of Yahweh

                        Since both

                        1. Play the exact same roles and
                        2. Have the exact same relationship with Israel, and both
                        3. Bear the same unique and Holy Name, Yahweh
                        Michael, the Captain of Israel, is evidently the Angel of Yahweh.

                        With regard to the Name Yahweh, the only way that Michael and the Angel of Yahweh would be different angels is if the Name Yahweh is not unique to the Angel of Yahweh but can and is born by other angels. If the Name Yahweh is unique to the Angel of Yahweh, then since Michael bears the Holy Name Yahweh, Michael is the Angel of Yahweh whom Jacob and Moses knew and loved.

                        The Angel was Yahweh's Presence

                        1. Since Yahweh not going with Israel meant the Angel not going with them. Consider Moses' intercession when God threatened not to go with Israel to the promised land and Yahweh's response to him,
                          1. When God, in answer to Moses' intercession, changed His mind about not going with Israel, it was His Presence that went with them.
                          2. This shows that the Angel of Yahweh going with Israel was the same as God going with them. In other words, the Angel of Yahweh, in the words of Isaiah, was Emmanuel--God with the people of Israel.
                          3. To further appreciate this truth, we should note that when God promised to send an Angel before Israel whom they were to listen to, they had not sinned against him and this was not taken to mean that God was not going with them. In other words, Moses considered the Angel God said he would send with them to be equal to God going with them.
                          4. Now, notice that when God threatened not to go with the Israelites, he was still going to send an angel before them [Exo 32:34]. Yet, while Moses did not object to the first arrangement of sending an Angel before them, he was opposed to this new arrangement. Moses' reaction, not being pleased with this arrangement shows that
                            1. He did not consider all angels to be equal in their representation of God.
                            2. Moses considered the Angel that was initially planned to go with them to be God going with them but did not consider any other angel going with them to be the same thing. Since Moses considered the new arrangement as God not going with them, then since he did not object to the initial Angel, it means that he considered the initially planned Angel going with them to be God going with them.
                            3. To have another angel go with them was not the same as having the initially planned Angel go with them. If it was no different, then Moses wouldn't have been opposed to the new arrangement.
                            4. The Angel of Yahweh that was initially to go with them is greater than other angels
                        2. The prophet Isaiah calls the Angel that went with Israel "the Angel of" Yahweh's "Presence" [Isa 63:9]

                        The Angel of Yahweh of the Burning Bush

                        The Angel of Yahweh was
                        1. The Angel of Yahweh appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush.
                          1. "There the Angel of Yahweh appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush..." [Exo 3:2]
                          2. Moses later referred to him as "the One who dwelt in the Burning Bush" [Deut 33:16]
                        2. The Angel of Yahweh
                          1. Is called God [Exo 3:4 cf., Exo 3:2], meaning that his Presence is God's Presence,
                          2. Is called Yahweh--since He was the One speaking with Moses, then His Name is really Yahweh just as he said to Moses [Exo 3:13-15]
                            1. Apparently, the Angel of Yahweh
                              1. Spoke for God as God and
                              2. Represented Him in person
                              3. So that to meet with him is to meet with God, and to see him is to see God
                        3. The Angel of Yahweh stated to Moses that he had come down
                          1. To bring the Israelites out of Egypt and
                          2. Into the promised land [Exo 3:8]--Therefore, we expect to see him leading the people into the Promised land
                            1. (In contrast, Moses' mission did not include bringing the people into the land of Canaan but only to bring them out of Egypt [Exo 3:10])
                          3. The very same Angel (called the Presence of Yahweh) led them from Egypt, through the wilderness and into the Promised Land
                            1. An/My Angel bearing Yahweh's Name [Exo 23:20-23; Num 20:15-16]
                            2. His/Yahweh's Presence [Deut 4:37; Isa 63:8-10]
                        4. The Angel of Yahweh travelled in front of the people of Israel in the Pillar of Cloud and Fire. This is quite clear from the events at the Red Sea [Exo 14:19; 13:21-22]
                          1. Therefore, every time we see the Pillar of Cloud and Fire, we know that it is the Angel of Yahweh that is there
                        5. Yahweh promised that this Angel of Yahweh would
                          1. Go before Israel as their Lord, for they were to obey his every word [Exo 23:20-22]
                          2. Guard, i.e., protect them in the way [Exo 23:20]
                          3. This Angel had God's Name in him [Exo 23:20-21]
                        6. From Moses response to God's announcement that he would send another angel with Israel, we can see that this Angel is not like other angels.
                        7. The Angel of Yahweh is the Glory of Yahweh
                          1. Yahweh came down in a/the cloud [Exo 34:5] to reveal himself in his glory to Moses in answer to Moses' request to see the Glory of Yahweh [Exo 33:18]. So, this was the Angel of Yahweh but
                            1. Moses was seeing him for the first time apart from cloud in His Glory.
                          2. We often read in the accounts of Israel in the wilderness of the Glory of Yahweh appearing in the Cloud []
                            1. Since the Angel of Yahweh is the One in the Cloud, then considering Moses' intercession for the Angel of Yahweh's Presence to go with Him and Israel, it is confirmed that the Angel of Yahweh is the Glory of Yahweh who was in the Cloud
                        8. The Angel of Yahweh in the Cloud was the One who spoke/gave the Law to Israel [Psa 99:6-7 cf., 1Sam 3:9-10,21; Act 7:38]

                        The Angel of Yahweh and the Glory of Yahweh

                        1. The Angel of Yahweh was in the Pillar of Cloud and Fire that led the Israelites through the wilderness
                          1. First,
                            1. We see this in the account of the events by the Red Sea that the Angel of Yahweh and Pillar of Cloud and Fire
                          2. Second,
                            1. God said that the angel of Yahweh will lead his people to the promised land, that he would be at their head [Exo 23:20] (like a shepherd leading his flock)
                              1. However, there is no account of any angel actually leading them, instead, it is the Pillar of Cloud and Fire that led the Israelites through the wilderness [Exo 13:21-22; 40:36-37]
                            2. God also said that the Angel would be speaking to them and that they were to listen to him
                              1. However, all through their journey in the wilderness, we never read of any "angel" speaking to them. What we read of, instead, is of Yahweh speaking to them from the (Pillar of) Cloud [Psa 99:6-7; Exo 33:9,11; Num 9:17-18,19-22,23; 11:25; 12:5; 16:42,43,44-45]
                            3. Clearly, then, the Angel of Yahweh who was to lead and guard the Israelites in the wilderness and whose words/commands they were to listen to and obey was in the Pillar of Fire and Cloud.
                        2. The Glory of Yahweh whom Moses asked to see was a Person and he too dwelled in the Cloud
                          1. When Moses asked to see the Glory of Yahweh [Exo 33:18],
                            1. He wasn't simply shown an attribute, for example, some very bright light, but the back of a person,
                            2. In other words, seeing the Glory of Yahweh is seeing a person
                          2. The Glory of Yahweh was often reported as appearing IN the Cloud [Exo 33:18 cf., Exo 34:5-8,29; Exo 16:10-11; 24:16-17; Num 14:10-11; 16:19-20,42-44; 20:6-7; Num 14:21-22].
                            1. This confirms that he was indeed a person.
                          3. Now, when Moses asked to see the Glory of Yahweh,
                            1. HE came down in the/a Cloud [Exo 34:5].
                            2. And before this, he told Moses that he could only be allowed to see His back and not his face [Exo 33:20,22], which means that to see the Glory of Yahweh is to see Yahweh.
                          4. Apparently, then, seeing the Glory of Yahweh, is to see him apart from the cloud that always covered him

                        Since both the Angel of Yahweh and the Glory of Yahweh dwelled in the Cloud, they are one and the same.


                        The Giving of the Law and the Angel of Yahweh

                        1. The One in the Pillar of Cloud gave the Law to Israel
                        2. The Angel of Yahweh was in the Pillar of Cloud

                        The Angel of Yahweh's Aliases

                        1. The Angel of Yahweh [Exo 3:2; 14:19]
                        2. Yahweh [Exo 3:2,14-15],
                        3. The Presence of Yahweh/God [Exo 33:14; Isa 63:8-9]
                        4. The Angel of His Presence [Isa 63:8-9],
                        5. The Glory of Yahweh [Exo 33:18 cf., Exo 34:5],

                        Contribution to the Revelation of the Angel of Yahweh

                        1. The Angel of Yahweh, by his Name Yahweh, is the One through whom God created the World.
                          1. His Name, Yahweh, indicates that he has absolute power over the elements. This level of power and authority is Creator level power and authority.
                        2. The Angel of Yahweh is unlike any other angel.
                        3. The Angel of Yahweh delivered Israel from Egypt.
                        4. The Angel of Yahweh led Israel in the wilderness.
                        5. Through the Angel of Yahweh they will take possession of the Promised Land.

                            Yahweh & Abraham

                              1. Yahweh called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldeans to go an inherit the land of Canaan [Gen 12:1].
                                1. We can infer from the appearances of Yahweh to Abraham in the land of Canaan show that Yahweh had appeared to Abraham when he called him. This is confirmed by Deacon Stephen [Act 7:2]
                              2. In the land of Canaan
                                1. Yahweh appeared to Abraham after his arrival in the land [Gen 12:4-5], at the "the great tree of Moreh at Shechem" [Gen 12:7] and promised the land to his Seed.
                                  1. 'Yahweh appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to Yahweh, who had appeared to him' [Gen 12:7]
                                2. After lot departed from Abraham, God spoke to him [Gen 13:14-15]
                                3. After Abraham's defeat of the kings and delivering Lot and giving tithe to Melchizedek
                                  1. The word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.“ [Gen 15:1]
                                  2. Yahweh then made a covenant with him after he had presented the animals to give his seed the land of Canaan [Gen 15:17-21]
                                4. When he was 99 years old Yahweh appeared to Abraham called Himself "El-Shaddai" and made the Covenant of Circumcision with him [Gen 17:1-2,7]. And "When he had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him." [Gen 17:22]
                                5. Not long after the above, Yahweh appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre [Gen 18:1]
                                  1. He appeared in the company of two angels, was entertained by Abraham and spoke concerning the birth of Isaac.
                                  2. Abraham called him "The Judged of All the Earth" [Gen 18:25]
                                  3. Significantly, Yahweh stated that he was the One who had chosen Abraham [Gen 18:19]

                              Yahweh's Aliases

                                From Abraham we can learn that these all are One and the same person, Yahweh
                                1. Yahweh [Gen 12:1,4-5; 17:1-2],
                                2. El-Shaddai [Gen 17:1-2],
                                3. The Judge or Lord of All the Earth [Gen 18:25]

                                Yahweh Created The Heavens and Earth and All in Them

                                The One who created Heaven and Earth is plainly stated, over and over again, to be Yahweh. This fact that Yahweh created the Heavens and Earth is a fact almost taken for granted in Scriptures. It is the foundation of our religion.


                                The first chapter of Scriptures, the opening account of creation refers to the Creator of the World as "Elohim", i.e., God [Gen 1:1]. Now, while this account does not refer to God as Yahweh the next chapter does.

                                In the chapter that follows after it, the Creator, who in this account is called by the Name "Yahweh Elohim" [Gen 2:4,5,7]. In this account, which focuses on the Adam and Garden of Eden, Yahweh Elohim, (or the LORD God), created,

                                1. Heaven and earth [Gen 2:4],
                                2. Plants [Gen 2:9]
                                3. Man (i.e., Adam--the father of all men) [Gen 2:7]
                                4. The animals [Gen 2:19; 3:1]
                                5. The Woman (i.e., Eve, the mother of all living) [Gen 2:22]

                                So, according to the Creation Account of Genesis, Yahweh is the God who created all things.

                                Genesis' Subtle Declaration of Yahweh as Creator

                                That Yahweh is the Elohim of the first opening account of Creation is certain. Genesis progresses

                                1. From Elohim (or God without Yahweh) in the opening account, [Gen 1:1--Gen 2:3]
                                2. To Yahweh Elohim (or the LORD God) in the account that focuses on man and the Garden of Eden [Gen 2:4--Gen 3:20-2],
                                3. To Yahweh (without Elohim added to it) after Adam and Eve are driven out of the Garden of Eden [Gen 4:1-26]

                                Testimonial From Other Scriptures

                                The following lists are not exhaustive but are sufficient to demonstrate that the Creation of the World, i.e., heaven and earth and all in them, is Yahweh.

                                1. Yahweh's Personal Testimony
                                  1. No other god except for Yahweh made the heavens and earth [Jer 10:11]
                                  2. Yahweh testifies that it was He who created the world [Exo 20:11,1-2; 31:17-18; Job 38:1, 4-12; Isa 42:5; 45:12,18; Jer 10:12; 27:5]
                                2. Testimony of other people,
                                  1. King David to Asaph and his associates [1Chr 16:7,26]
                                  2. King Hiram of Tyre (to King Solomon) [2Chr 2:11-12]
                                  3. King Hezekiah [2Kin 19:15; Isa 37:16]
                                  4. Prophet Jeremiah [Jer 32:17; 33:2; 51:15]
                                  5. Levite leaders under Nehemiah [Neh 9:6]
                                  6. Psalms [Psa 96:5; 136:3-7]

                                Contribution to the Revelation of the Angel of Yahweh

                                1. From the Creation of Man and from honor given to man, the Genesis Creation account establishes the principle and association between God's Images and power and authority.
                                  1. God has images.
                                  2. The more a creature is like God the greater its authority and power.

                                A Very Brief Explanation of the Image Principle With An Example

                                The EXACT COPY of a KEY can do everything the ORIGINAL can.

                                The Angel of Yahweh and God's Image

                                As we learn later on, the Angel of Yahweh is called
                                1. The Presence/Face of God,
                                2. The Glory of God

                                These names, combined with the peculiarity and superiority of the Angel of Yahweh to other angels, signify that he is God's Image and Likeness like no other.

                                1. The level of power and authority possessed by this Angel,
                                2. The holy Name Yahweh which he bears,
                                3. The testimony of scripture that seeing him is equal to seeing God (which is why he is called God's Presence even by God [Gen 32:24,30; Exo 33:14-15]),
                                4. His being called the Glory of God,

                                These all indicate that he is God's exact COPY or image.

                                The Angel that Went With Israel was Yahweh's Presence

                                1. Since Yahweh not going with Israel meant the Angel not going with them. Consider Moses' intercession when God threatened not to go with Israel to the promised land and Yahweh's response to him,
                                  1. When God, in answer to Moses' intercession, changed His mind about not going with Israel, it was His Presence that went with them.
                                  2. This shows that the Angel of Yahweh going with Israel was the same as God going with them. In other words, the Angel of Yahweh, in the words of Isaiah, was Emmanuel--God with the people of Israel.
                                  3. To further appreciate this truth, we should note that when God promised to send an Angel before Israel whom they were to listen to, they had not sinned against him and this was not taken to mean that God was not going with them. In other words, Moses considered the Angel God said he would send with them to be equal to God going with them.
                                  4. Now, notice that when God threatened not to go with the Israelites, he was still going to send an angel before them [Exo 32:34]. Yet, while Moses did not object to the first arrangement of sending an Angel before them, he was opposed to this new arrangement. Moses' reaction, not being pleased with this arrangement shows that
                                    1. He did not consider all angels to be equal in their representation of God.
                                    2. Moses considered the Angel that was initially planned to go with them to be God going with them but did not consider any other angel going with them to be the same thing. Since Moses considered the new arrangement as God not going with them, then since he did not object to the initial Angel, it means that he considered the initially planned Angel going with them to be God going with them.
                                    3. To have another angel go with them was not the same as having the initially planned Angel go with them. If it was no different, then Moses wouldn't have been opposed to the new arrangement.
                                    4. The Angel of Yahweh that was initially to go with them is greater than other angels
                                2. The prophet Isaiah calls the Angel that went with Israel "the Angel of" Yahweh's "Presence" [Isa 63:9]

                                The Presence of Yahweh and Jacob

                                1. Hosea calls the man Jacob had wrestled with "Yahweh" and "God"
                                  1. He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there--5Yahweh Elohim of Hosts, Yahweh is his name of renown! [Hos 12:4-5]
                                2. Jacob called the same man had wrestled with Peniel which means "the Face/Presence of God"
                                  1. "So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”" [Gen 32:30]
                                Therefore, the man who wrestled with Yahweh was
                                1. The Angel of Yahweh,
                                2. Yahweh of Hosts,
                                3. The Face (or Presence) of Yahweh
                                Since the Angel of Yahweh of the Burning Bush is Yahweh's Presence or the Angel of Yahweh's Presence, then he was the One Jacob knew and related with.

                                The Presence of Yahweh and Jacob

                                1. Hosea calls the man Jacob had wrestled with "Yahweh" and "God"
                                  1. He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there--5Yahweh Elohim of HostsYahweh is his name of renown! [Hos 12:4-5]
                                2. Jacob called the same man had wrestled with Peniel which means "the Face/Presence of God"
                                  1. "So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”" [Gen 32:30]

                                The Angel of Yahweh's Aliases

                                Therefore, the man who wrestled with Yahweh was
                                1. The Angel of Yahweh [Gen 32:30],
                                2. Yahweh of Hosts [Hos 12:4-5; Gen 32:30],
                                3. The Face (or Presence) of Yahweh [Gen 32:30]

                                Please see the previous note under CREATION.

                                Yahweh Judged Adam

                                  Yahweh brought the flood on the world as an act of judgment on the world because of their sins [Gen 6:3,5-6,7; 8:21].

                                  Yahweh, the Flood and Judging the Earth

                                    Yahweh brought the flood on the world as an act of judgment on the world because of their sins [Gen 6:3,5-7; 8:21].

                                    Many, many years after the flood, Abraham referred to the Yahweh who appeared to him as "the Judge of All the Earth" [Gen 18:25].

                                    Abraham, therefore, associates the Yahweh that appeared to him as the one who brought on the flood upon the world in judgment of men's sins.

                                    Yahweh and the Division of Men Into Nations

                                      Yahweh judged the earth,

                                      "...Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building." [Gen 11:5]

                                      Connection to the Angel of Yahweh

                                        Compare to

                                        1. Yahweh coming down to judge Sodom and Gomorrah and speaking to Abraham
                                          1. "Then Yahweh said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous 21that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.”" [Gen 18:20-21]
                                          2. Abraham at this time referred to him as "the Judge (or Lord) of All the Earth" [Gen 18:25].
                                        2. The Angel of Yahweh coming down to deliver Israel from bondage and into the promised land
                                          1. "There the Angel of Yahweh appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush...“...I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey-the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites." [Exo 3:2,8]
                                          2. The deeds of the Angel of Yahweh through Moses in the land of Egypt was that His Name may be known in all the earth [Exo 9:15-16]

                                        The Angel of Yahweh and the Period of the Judges

                                        1. He came from Gilgal to Bokim and spoke to Israel there
                                          1. He was the One who made covenant with Israel [Jdg 2:1-3,4-5]
                                          2. Since he came from Gilgal, it is apparent that he had been living among them
                                            1. Gilgal was on the eastern border of Jericho [Jos 4:19]
                                            2. Gilgal was where the Israelites camped after miraculously crossing the Jordan [Jos 4:19-20]. The Gibionites, for example came to Joshua and the Elders of Israel at Gilgal [Jos 9:6,3-5]
                                            3. The place is called Gilgal because it was there that the sons of the Israelite that came out of Egypt were circumcised [Jos 5:7,9]
                                            4. It was around this place, near Jericho, that Joshua met the Captain of Yahweh's Hosts [Jos 5:13]
                                        2. He was the head of Israel in the war against Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army under Deborah and Barak [Jdg 5:23,20]
                                        3. He appeared to Gideon and commissioned him to lead Israel against the Midianites [Jdg 6:11,14]
                                          1. He was called Yahweh [Jdg 6:11,14,16,18]
                                          2. He gave a personal command to Gideon to lead Israel in war [Jdg 6:14].
                                            1. This is, of course, Michael, for he is the commander of Yahweh's Army [Jos 5:14-15; 6:2-5] and so has the right and duty to appoint anyone to lead Israel in war.
                                          3. He spoke as God
                                          4. Gideon apparently understood him to be the only one who could give such commands as he gave and so sought for confirmation [Jdg 6:17-18]
                                          5. He had a staff with him [Jdg 6:21]
                                          6. Gideon feared that he would die because he had seen the Angel of Yahweh face to face [Jdg 6:22]
                                          7. Gideon built and altar and name it "Yahweh is Peace", the peace being the result of the assurance from the Angel of Yahweh that Gideon would not die even though he had seen him face to face [Jdg 6:24]
                                          8. He continued to speak and give instructions to Gideon even after he had disappeared from his sight [Jdg 6:21,23,25]
                                        4. He appeared to Manoah's wife and Manoah announcing his birth and the deliverance from the Philistines that he would begin [Jdg 13:3,4,5]
                                          1. Samson's birth concerned deliverance for Israel [Jdg 13:5]


                                          The Angel of Yahweh is Michael by

                                          1. His involvement in the wars of Israel and
                                          2. Considering the unbroken narrative from Joshua where the "Captain of the Hosts of Yahweh" was first introduced to us under that tittle and role.

                                          Contribution to the Revelation of the Angel of Yahweh

                                            1. Confirmation that Israel was to take possession of the Land through the Angel of Yahweh [Jdg 2:1-3,4-5]
                                            2. Confirmation that the Angel of Yahweh was the One who Appeared to Joshua as "the Captain of the Hosts of Yahweh"--the location from which the Angel came confirms this (see notes above) [Jdg 2:1,2,3,4 cf., Jos 4:19-20; 5:7-9,13-15]

                                            Yahweh and Ezekiel

                                            Yahweh whom Ezekiel saw was
                                            1. Upon a Sapphire Throne.
                                            2. Rode upon the Cherubim
                                            3. Called “the likeness of the glory of YAHWEH” [Eze 1:25-28]
                                            4. Called “the God of Israel” [Eze 10:20] and
                                              1. Spoke as the God of Israel, “Israel has rebelled against me” [Eze 2:3]
                                            5. Called “the Glory of Yahweh” [Eze 3:23] and not just “the likeness of the glory…”
                                            6. The One who dwelled in the temple,
                                            7. The One Israel worshiped [Eze 8:6].
                                              1. He said Israel was driving him far from his sanctuary, i.e., the Temple—he called the Temple “my sanctuary”
                                            8. Called “Adonai Yahweh” [Eze 4:14] referring to the “Glory of Yahweh” [Eze 3:23] who was speaking to him. [Eze 9:8-9]
                                            9. The One with whom Israel had a covenant [Eze 16:3,8; 20:5-7]
                                            10. The owner/Lord of all human beings--“every living soul is mine” [Eze 18:3-4]
                                            11. The Holy Spirit is his Spirit and he can and will give him to his people [“I will …put a new spirit in them…”Eze 11:19; “…And I will put my Spirit in you…” Eze 36:26-27]
                                            12. He can and will raise the dead [“…I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them… 14I will put my Spirit in you and you will live…” Eze 37:12-13]

                                            Contribution to the Revelation of the Angel of Yahweh

                                            1. Confirmation that the “Glory of Yahweh” is a person and not just a reference to an attribute of Yahweh.

                                                            Contribution to the Revelation of the Angel of Yahweh

                                                            1. The Name of the Angel of Yahweh who appeared to Joshua as "the Captain of the Hosts of Yahweh" is Michael,
                                                              1. The Angel of Yahweh appeared to Joshua near Jericho as "the Captain of the Hosts of Yahweh", i.e., "the Captain of Israel" [Jos 5:13,14-15]
                                                              2. In Daniel, "the Captain of the People of Israel", i.e., "the Captain of the Hosts of Yahweh", is the Archangel Michael [Dan 12:1]
                                                              3. Therefore, the Name of the Angel of Yahweh who appeared to Joshua as "the Captain of the Hosts of Yahweh" is Michael.
                                                            2. Michael is the Angel of Yahweh and is the greatest of Angels
                                                              1. He is the Prince/Captain of Princes/Captains [Dan 8:11,25]
                                                              2. He is the First of the Princes/Captains [Dan 10:13]
                                                              3. He is the Great Prince/Captain [Dan 12:1]

                                                            The Angel Who Appeared to Daniel Vs., the Angel of Yahweh

                                                            The Angel who 

                                                              Michael and the Angel of Yahweh

                                                              The Archangel Michael did everything God said the Angel that He was sending ahead of Israel would do.

                                                              God's word to Moses and Israel concerning the Angel of Yahweh was

                                                              1. Michael was called by the Name Yahweh [Josh 6:2 cf., Josh 5:13-15]
                                                                1. The Angel had Yahweh's Name in him [Exo 23:21], i.e., in simple terms, the Angel's Name was Yahweh

                                                              2. Joshua bowed to him asking what instructions he had for him [Josh 5:14]
                                                                1. The Angel God was going to send with Israel was to be obeyed [Exo 23:22]

                                                              3. Michael came as the Captain of Israel at the beginning of their conquest of the land of Canaan. In other words, it was he who brought about the conquest of Canaan. Also, he gave instructions Joshua about how to conquer Jericho..
                                                                1. The Angel was to bring the Israelites to "the place that I have promised" [Exo 23:20]
                                                                2. He was to bring them "into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out. [Exo 23:23] and was to give them rest [Exo 33:14].
                                                                  1. In other words, he was to bring about the conquest of the land of Canaan
                                                                  2. Consider also the words of the Angel of Yahweh when they first met on mount Sinai
                                                                    1. While Moses' mission was to bring the Israelites out of Egypt
                                                                      "So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” [Exo 3:10]
                                                                  3. The mission of the Angel of Yahweh was not only to bring them out but was also to take them into the promised land
                                                                    "So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey--the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites."[Exo 3:8]

                                                              4. Joshua worshiped him
                                                                1. He was worshiped by Israel [Exo 33:10]

                                                              5. The Angel was Yahweh's Presence
                                                                1. Since Yahweh not going with Israel meant the Angel not going with them. Consider Moses' intercession when God threatened not to go with Israel to the promised land and Yahweh's response to him,
                                                                  1. When God, in answer to Moses' intercession, changed His mind about not going with Israel, it was His Presence that went with them.
                                                                  2. This shows that the Angel of Yahweh going with Israel was the same as God going with them. In other words, the Angel of Yahweh, in the words of Isaiah, was Emmanuel--God with the people of Israel.
                                                                  3. To further appreciate this truth, we should note that when God promised to send an Angel before Israel whom they were to listen to, they had not sinned against him and this was not taken to mean that God was not going with them. In other words, Moses considered the Angel God said he would send with them to be equal to God going with them.
                                                                  4. Now, notice that when God threatened not to go with the Israelites, he was still going to send an angel before them [Exo 32:34]. Yet, while Moses did not object to the first arrangement of sending an Angel before them, he was opposed to this new arrangement. Moses' reaction, not being pleased with this arrangement shows that
                                                                    1. He did not consider all angels to be equal in their representation of God.
                                                                    2. Moses considered the Angel that was initially planned to go with them to be God going with them but did not consider any other angel going with them to be the same thing. Since Moses considered the new arrangement as God not going with them, then since he did not object to the initial Angel, it means that he considered the initially planned Angel going with them to be God going with them.
                                                                    3. To have another angel go with them was not the same as having the initially planned Angel go with them. If it was no different, then Moses wouldn't have been opposed to the new arrangement.
                                                                    4. The Angel of Yahweh that was initially to go with them is greater than other angels
                                                                2. The prophet Isaiah calls the Angel that went with Israel "the Angel of" Yahweh's "Presence" [Isa 63:9]

                                                              The Mighty Angel of Revelation


                                                              Micah--The Angel of Yahweh as the First to Rise from the Dead

                                                              According to Micah [Mic 2:14-15], the Angel of Yahweh will be the first to rise from the dead. And by his resurrection, he will make the resurrection of other Israelites possible.

                                                              “I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture; the place will throng with people. 13One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their king will pass through before them, Yahweh at their head.” [Mic 2:14-15]

                                                              According to the Prophet Micah, the King of Israel who will pass through the gates (of Sheol/Hades) before them is the Yahweh who was at their head in the wilderness. The Yahweh at the head of Israel was the Angel of Yahweh [Exo 13:21-22; 14:19; 23:20-23; Isa 63:9]

                                                              Contribution to the Revelation of the Angel of Yahweh

                                                              1. Micah--The future of the Angel of Yahweh as the first to rise from the dead

                                                              The Angel of Yahweh and the Prophet Samuel

                                                              Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on Yahweh and he answered them. 7He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud; they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them. 8O Yahweh our God, you answered them; you were to Israel a forgiving God, though you punished their misdeeds. [Psa 99:6-8]

                                                              According to these verses, Samuel met with the One who was in the Pillar of Cloud. This means that the one who spoke with Samuel [1Sa 3:10,21,4-14,19-21] was in fact the same person in the Pillar of Cloud in the wilderness, the One with whom Moses and Aaron related.

                                                              Since the Angel of Yahweh, the Presence of Yahweh/God, the Glory of Yahweh was the One in the Pillar of Cloud, then it means that he was the same person who spoke to Samuel. Therefore, the Angel of Yahweh was still guiding Israel even after they had taken possession of the promised land.

                                                              This, however, is not a revelation because this is already established in the Book of Judges.

                                                              The Angel of Yahweh and the King David

                                                              1. The Angel of Yahweh is a perfect judge having a perfect discernment of good and evil [2Sa 14:17; 19:20]
                                                              2. The Angel of Yahweh is wise, he “...knows everything that happens in the land.” [2Sa 14:20]
                                                              3. The Angel of Yahweh was seen with a drawn sword bringing a plague on Israel [2Sa 24:14-15,16,17].
                                                                1. He stopped over the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite [2Sa 24:16] and
                                                                  1. There an altar was built to Yahweh [2Sa 24:24,25] and
                                                                  2. The Temple eventually built
                                                              4. Was the Angel of Yahweh who appeared to Elijah and prepared meal for him [1Ki 19:5-8] THE Angel of Yahweh?

                                                              Contribution to the Revelation of the Angel of Yahweh

                                                              1. Further confirmation that the Angel of Yahweh accompanied Israel into the land of Canaan

                                                              Table Editor/Creator

                                                              Cell Name:
                                                              Cell Heading:
                                                              Cell Details:
                                                              Row Name:

